Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hey, Hey, Hey, Mar. 17, 2014

Hey hey hey,  
So this week was a really great one!  It has been fantastic weather!  Seriously!  The sun has been out, and although its still chilly, it has been generally pretty warm.  One day we even had to take off our coats because we were sweating so much.  So hopefully the good weather will stay again for this week, but who knows.  So the big news for this week is that we got the car for 2 days!  haha.  It was so great!  We got the car on Wednesday after District Meeting, and we were able to keep it and use it until friday afternoon.  Man oh man.  It is a little different driving here!  It took me a little bit to get used to it, but now its fine.  The roads are just so little and so bendy haha, its tricky sometimes!  Seriously, imagine driving on a sidewalk through miles and miles of just green fields.  And they are just bendy and windy like crazy.  Thats what I was driving on this week.  No joke, the roads are TINY.  But its great.  Cause it gave me a little bit of practice.  Now I just need to buckle down and find time to really study for my theory test.  I need to take it soon, but I just haven't really got time to study for it.  But we survived, and it was great!!! haha.  Since we had the car, we were able to go to some of those other villages that we have been really wanting to go to but we haven't been able to.  We went to this little village called Alford, and it is interesting.  It felt like I was in Utah.  Weird.  But as we were knocking, we came across this house, and it was so interesting HAHAHAH.  Okay (so side note real quick-everyone here in England names their houses.  Yep, you heard me right.  They name their houses.  Everyone does it) so we come across this house and it is decorated to the max with gnomes, it had gnomes EVERYWHERE, and it was named GNOME COTTAGE.  So we were pretty interested, so we decided to knock it.  We knocked into a man named-RON THE GNOME. He is like 70 years old or something, and he dresses up as a gnome.  He is famous.  Haha I guess for the recent movie Gnomeo and juliet, he was like in charge of all the gnomes and things.  He has 1760 gnomes in his house and garden (backyard), and he has them all named.  Apparently he is in charge of the G.B.E (The gnome british empire). hahaha.  We were like cracking up.  Oh my gosh it was the funniest thing ever.  And so he gave us his business card, and he had us sign his visitors book, and he let us into his garden to see all of his gnomes.  THERE WASN'T ANY SPACE ON THE GROUND TO WALK.  There were gnomes literally everywhere.  Haha we got some good pictures, but it was pretty funny.  L is doing so good.  Seriously, I feel like a proud mother everytime I''m around her.  Unfortunately we will have to push her baptism back a few weeks, she is having a harder time kicking the tea then she expected.  Dang tea!!  But she is still so excited for her baptism.  She wants it to be real, and meaningful, not just to have a good day.  She gets the gospel, and thats why I love her.  She lets the gospel change her, and it truly has.  Its amazing.  She is so great.  She confirms her own appointments, she confirms church (even though she has her own car which is so great), and she gets the greatest insights from the Book of Mormon.  Also, she has made really good friends with some people from the branch, so that is great.  Tonight we are having a FHE with her in Angie's home (Angie is a branch missionary, and they have become really good friends).  L is so great.  We are kinda bummed about her baptism, because we don't know if both of us will be here for her baptism or not, but it doesn't matter.  She is getting baptised, and that's all that matters!!  And she is already doing missionary work, she is trying to get her mom to come out with her. haha we'll see how that goes.  N is doing great.  He is just so  funny.  But we are still working with him.  But other than that, we are just working hard to find new investigators.  We will continue doing a bunch of finding this week, since last week we had to drop a few of our investigators.  Things are great and I'm having a blast!  I love Sister S, and I hope that we can stay together another transfer!  It feels like I'm serving with my best friend, she is great!  I hope all is well back home.  
Love you all!!

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